Brain design by Tin Nguyen
Do you want to participate in a reading study?
Great! We love to hear from schools or parents/guardians who are interested in helping us learn more about how children learn to read. The best way to get started is by contacting us — we’d love to hear from you!
Current Studies
We are currently recruiting participants for our executive function study with kindergarteners. If you have a child that is a kindergartener and might be interested in participating in a longitudinal study tracking their reading/academic progress, please fill out this survey.
We are also currently seeking individuals ages 8 to 20 with reading difficulties or Neurofibromatosis Type 1 to participate in our research study. If interested or if you want more information, please contact us at (615) 875-5534 or email us at educationbrain@vanderbilt.edu.
For more information on ongoing studies, please see our current study flyers or our list of ongoing research projects.