EBRL Goes Down Under!

A scientific conference on reading hosted in Australia? Sign us up! Each year the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading hosts a scientific conference to gather minds from across the globe that each have one thing in common: the study of reading. This year, members of EBRL were lucky enough to go and even present! EBRL’s own Emily Harriott and Caden Carter were able to present posters and Andrea Burgess gave a talk. We always enjoy chances to meet other scientists in research and expand our knowledge. (And being able to do it in such a beautiful location isn’t bad either!)

If you would like to find out more about the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, please visit their website here.

Dr. Laurie Cutting to guest Lecture at Ohio State (4/14/19)

Dr. Laurie Cutting to Lecture at Ohio State University’s Science Sundays’ Lecture Series

Find out more about her lecture and future Science Sunday lectures at the event page here: https://ccbbi.osu.edu/events/science-sundays

Mirroring the information provided there here:

Science Sundays

Basic RGB

Sunday, April 14, 2019 – 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Ohio Union U.S. Bank Conference Theatre
Educational Neuroscience: How the Brain Supports Learning in Children and Adolescents
Lecture: 3-4 p.m.
Lecture Venue: Ohio Union U.S. Bank Conference Theatre

The lecture is followed by a free, informal reception.
Reception: 4-5 p.m.
Reception Venue: Ohio Union Ohio Staters Traditions Room
Science Sundays is a FREE public lecture series offered and supported by The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences and its sponsoring science centers. Speakers are leading experts in their fields dedicated to making their work interesting and accessible for audiences of all ages and backgrounds.
Science Sundays brings leading-edge work directly to the public with lectures covering diverse topics in science, arts and technology that touch our everyday lives.
For more information on SCIENCE SUNDAYS visit: asc.osu.edu/science-sundays